Layaknya kelas 12 yang lain, tugas-laporan-PR-ulangan datang bertubi-tubi tak henti-henti #wohooo, tapi buat apa kalau dieluhkan setiap hari gak akan selesai dengan sendirinya #tsaah.
Rabu kemarin, kelas gue ada tes tulis bahasa inggris berkelompok. Gue sekelompok sama Amel, Icong, Lora, Rama sama Rdr *baca erder*. Lora kebagian nulis profil, dan gue terharu ngebacanya :')
Amalia Dwi LestariBorn and raised in Bandung, Amalia, usually called Amel by her family and friends, has always lived alongside her older sister. She grew up wanting to be different, shine among everybody else by being herself, that is why she lives by the saying ‘I can not be compared’. Her childhood dream is to be a famous singer and celebrity, you will know that it is very much reachable if you ever heard her amazing soprano voice. Amel loves to draw, especially lines and houses, her moment of pride is when she successfully draw a straight line without the help of any ruler. She secretly wants to be an architect but right now focuses on getting accepted in an International Program in the country’s finest technology institution. Amel is a cheerful girl who can make everybody smile everytime she is around. She is like her favorite colors, the colors of the rainbow, perfect after storms, and always lovely to have on anyday of the week.Anissa Karina FuadiWhen we talk about determination and hardwork, Anissa, also known as Ica, is one of the few people who own it. Her attitude reflects on her favorite color, red, like the strongest fire that will never be shut down. Being a middle child, she works her self off to be the best in the class and to get into Pharmacy School to achieve one of her dream jobs to be a succesful Pharmacist. But everybody has their goal in life, something they really want to be, something they dream and daydream about, their longlife dream, for Ica hers is to be a New Yorker. Affected by the tons of movies she always love to watch, she built up a dream to go to the land of promises and explore The Big Apple as a New Yorker herself. With her determination, who knows ten years from now she might be sending the rest of her class postcards with The Empire State Building on the front.Dhanissa Dilija ZoditamaAll of her friends call her Boss. It might be because her short, clean cut hair, it might be because her serious and professional looking glasses, it might be because her leading skills. What she knows for sure is that that name is a prayer from all her friends, that someday she will be called Boss by her thousands employees. Boss wants to study Petroleum Engineering and be a business woman and build her own oil company. She believes that it is one of the way to strenghten our country’s economy, and also a form of contribution for her country. She is very nationalistic indeed, the fact that she idolized Ir. Soekarno, Indonesia’s founding father and really wants to maximize her country’s potential and not give up to foreign investors give more proof of her nationalism. Boss is efficient and does her task on time, she believes deeply in the saying ‘Time is money’. But that does not mean she is always serious, Boss loves to buy TV series’ DVDs and watch them in her spare time to get out of this crazy world and catch her breath.Laura Nurlatifa ErawanLaura loves to read, anything basically, her all time favorite books are the complete series of Harry Potter, her generation’s precious stone. Laura is a very ‘go with the flow’ person, she does not really plan her life, she just enjoys what the universe has prepared for her. She tries to face her problems relying to the quote ‘Everything happens for a reason’, believing that even when she does not get what she wants, there is something better for her out there. Laura is interested in studying Psychology, and her current dream is to own a children clinic because she believes that children need adults to listen to them. Her role model in life is Oprah Winfrey, who taught Laura through her TV show the love of giving to others, ever since Oprah was in her life, Laura has become a more compassionate person. Perhaps still not compassionate enough to be a children psychologist, but hey, Rome was not build in a day, patience.Nugraha RamadhanPiano, guitar, bass-guitar, even singing, he can do all of them. Perhaps even more musical instruments that he does not share to others, that will remain a mistery. Nugraha, or Rama, has this amazing musical gift, there is just something about him and music that can make you stop your activity just to listen to him better. Being a musician has always been a dream of his, you can see the spark in his eyes when he talks about the new arrangement he is making for the music class assignment. The only thing that can get him excited beside music is books. History and idealism books intrigue him best. His goal in life is to be useful for a lot of people, that is why he is putting his musician dream aside for awhile and focuses in his Biology, which he is really good in, to get into Medical School. Being the calm and cool but also warm altogether person that he is, it is imaginable that in the future the room that he will be using to treat his patients would be filled with musical instruments and racks of CDs for his patients to enjoy.Rizki Darajat RokhmatullahThis boy was born in a town not far from the city he lives in now, as the youngest of three children. Rizki’s love for Mathematics is on of the reason he pursues Civil Engineering in a university hundreds of miles away, just because it is known as one of the best place to study Civil Engineering. That is how much Rizki wants to be an engineer. Rizki is the kind of guy who when is having a problem would try really hard to solve it, but not show anyone that he is struggling. He always appear cheerful, with his jokes and his love of singing, he can make people’s mood change into the better. It is always nice to have someone like Rizki by your side. Rizki is a Muslim, he admires The Islamic Prophet, Muhammad. His goal in life is more than just being an engineer, he dreams to be a devoted person and get what is best in his afterlife. Little does he know that for his friends, having him is already a paradise.
*masih menitikan air mata*

Pas lagi diskusi gaul ;)
Hadiah kecil dari kelas gue untuk guru SMA 5 pas hari guru, hadiah ini gak bisa menggantikan ilmu yang sangat melimpah diberikan bapak/ibu guru.

Dan gak lupa buat foto bareng walikelas di teras SMA 3-5 :D

XII - D 2012
Sekian curhat kali ini, UAS Fisika menanti di hari pertama~ #megap2